Neverland Pirate Hunters - Buddy's Buddies

Teams:Neverland Pirate HuntersBuddy's Buddies

League: Everett Blood Bowl League
Division: Season 10
Tournament:Season 10 2019
Round: Round 6
Date played:Sat Sep 7 2019 22:59:38
Match report:Download PDF report

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Game information
Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Extra player Stats (ES) report page here
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
Neverland Pirate Hunters k 10-1 points k
Buddy's Buddies k 10-1 points k
Neverland Pirate Hunters report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Rachel Wall Kroxigor
2 Captain Hook Saurus
3 Bill Jukes Saurus
4 Robert Mullins Saurus [MNG]
5 Black Gilmour Saurus
6 George Scourie Saurus
7 Gentleman Starkey Saurus
8 Mr. Smee Skink
9 Cecco Skink
10 Gutless Skink
11 Noodler Skink
12 Cookson Skink
13 Smithies Skink
14 Foggerty Skink

 MNG   Journeyman   Used journeyman   New skill available 
Star Players:
Buddy's Buddies report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 He Who Throws Thrower
2 He Who Throws Also Thrower
3 He Who Blitzes Blitzer
4 He Who Blitzes Also Blitzer
7 He Who Catches Catcher
8 He Who Catches Also Catcher
12 He Who Mans The Line I Lineman
13 He Who Mans The Line II Lineman
15 He Who Catches As Well Catcher
17 He Who Mans The Line IV Lineman
18 He Catches Catcher

Star Players:
Game summary