Player standings

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298DemagoreThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
299KraagonThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
300SavagarThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
301IngugorThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
302UrkarusThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
303KysalaxThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
304LothralThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
305RhymortThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
306ZathralThe Goats Gruff32490.781.
307BerokharThe Goats Gruff424100.901.
308MalneusThe Goats Gruff01230.
309Vladimir PutinThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.080.620.000.000.310.
310Vladimir LeninThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.080.620.
311Yaroslav the WiseThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
312Catherine the GreatThe Fumble-Ruskies804121.581.
313Nicholas IIThe Fumble-Ruskies40481.501.
314Ivan the TerribleThe Fumble-Ruskies705121.501.
315Alexander the LiberatorThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
316Yuri GagarinThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
317Feodor IThe Fumble-Ruskies00111.
318The Fumble-Ruskies10011.
319Feodor IThe Fumble-Ruskies30031.670.670.
320Peter the GreatThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
321Leon TrotskyThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
322Garry Kasparov The Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
323Mikhail LomonosovThe Fumble-Ruskies805131.461.
324George "Navy" SampsonThe Bellevue Beans443111.
325Vinny GarbanzoThe Bellevue Beans443111.271.000.550.360.
326Lima VerdeThe Bellevue Beans34291.
327Jose PintoThe Bellevue Beans443111.
328Demarius GreenThe Bellevue Beans443111.
329Alphonse Black The Bellevue Beans443111.
330Olaf "Great Northern" Johansson The Bellevue Beans443111.

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